Vlogger Reconnoitering in San Francisco

A collaborative videoblog with tips, stories and videos for travelers to the San Francisco Bay Area who are planning to attend Vloggercon.
This is also the official website of the Vloggercon mapping tool.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Vloggercon Moments - The MotherVloggers

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Jan and I had the pleasure of spending a late evening with the self-proclaimed mothervloggers at the road node house during vloggercon. We got to watch as they went through the freevlog.org videoblogging tutorial. it was great getting to know them. They were an extremely enthusiastic and funny crew. they also had these really great waffle cookies that they left with me (all gone now).

Here's a video from that evening as they create two vlogs. I asked them about freevlog, blip.tv, yiddish vs. hebrew, holland, africa and how they came together around their "united vloggers" project and as friends.

This is a bit long at about 10 minutes and the room is a bit dark (the screens show up nice however), but i think it is a good capture of this interesting multi-lingual team from Holland.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Faux Press Recon::The Swedish American Hall

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This is one warm, sweet, appropriately-sized space. You're gonna love it.

Note the wee baby grand piano. Ahem.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

San Francisco Bus Stop Sign

San Francisco Bus Stop Sign

Some of the bus stop signs are pretty subtle. Once you know what they look like, it gets easier.

Monday, June 05, 2006

BART Maps for your iPod

How cool is this? BART Quick Planner for your iPod. I just added these photos to an iPhoto album and then used iTunes to sync with the iPod (a video/G5 iPod in my case, but they also have downloads for iPod Photo/Color and for the Nano. There is also schedule information you can use as notes. Click the pic to view a video screencast for this.

BART trip from Oakland Airport to downtown is about $3.50 and from San Francisco Airport to downtown, it's about $5.10.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Memorial Day BBQ on the Road Node 101

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Markus wrangled The Faux Press an invite to the Outhink! / Our Media holiday BBQ. These guys are doing some amazing things. Can't wait to see what happens next.

J.D. Lassica is a particular hero. His "Darknet" book haunted my dreams for 3 months last summer, most particularly during VlogEurope!.

If you haven't yet read "Darknet" do it. You won't regret it.

Imagine we'll learn more of what these folks are up to at Vloggercon.


Media Medals

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Drawing up some designs for ways in which we might ID-entify ourselves at Vloggercon.

What have you in your arsenal of vlogger tools that can help ID-entify you and your vlog? I'm talking vlog / geek fashion here.


Cooking @ Road Node 101 House

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I'm just saying, "We cook."

Vlogging on a budget? Consider hooking up with Road Node 101 House for meals. Have kitchen will save.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Vloggercon 2006::Porch Smoking

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Testing out Blip's direct-to-hard-drive recording in Safari while using the cell phone as modem. Wow. It worked! I'm impressed the Cingular connection through the Nokia 6682 had sufficient bandwidth to handle the video. Rockin'. Thanks to the Digital Dojo for sharing.

It's been really great knowing that internet connection is available anywhere there's a cell signal. Worth the extra $30 / month? This month it seems worthwhile as I shouldn't like to be without the capacity to upload media. An option to consider for vloggers-on-the-go.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Human Dog Goes Postal

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Here's the moment Jay, Markus and I learn that Chris Weagel's Human Dog has gone over the top of the vlogosphere's "Have Money Will Vlog" fund-raising initiative. The community raised $1000 in 4 days - over a holiday weekend mind you. Wowowowow. We are the media, damnit.

Vloggers on "Lost" = Bad TV::London Elise on Christianity & Spin

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Vloggercon::saying it like we see it::outside the box.